My research program in applied social cognition lies at the intersection of effective pedagogy, public health, and public policy. For my work and the students I mentor, these areas are best understood from an intersectional perspective. Broadly, my scholarship covers 1) gender and class disparities in education and healthcare, 2) intimate partner violence, and 3) sexual assault/Title IX campus dating violence.
Educational Technology
In the education industry, technology is, ironically, utilitarian and uninspiring. It also lags in basic functionality for assisting institutions in finding their best paths forward for change. Dr. Wright is working with SAGE Publishing, Inc. and through external funding sources to develop next generation educational technologies for the classroom and for education researchers.
Classroom Case Studies
Dr. Wright has developed a new lifespan development curriculum whose backbone is a series of intersectional case studies. The data from three+ years use suggest strong student engagement, increased learning, and additional powerful outcomes*. These are available for workshop instruction and implementation. See Resources for more information.
Research Lab
Inside my research lab, students and I sustain scholarship on interpersonal violence and sexual assault and (principally) attributions people make about those who are involved in these situations. We are particularly interested in 1) how the use of gendered language shapes our understanding of these events, and 2) how our attributions are related to judgments of responsibility and intent to intervene.